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Children's Day

Children's Day in Japan, known as "Kodomo no Hi" (こどもの日), is celebrated annually on May 5th. It's a national holiday that honors children's personalities and celebrates their happiness. Originally, this day was called Tango no Sekku (端午の節句), or Boys' Day, but it was renamed to Children's Day after World War II to include both boys and girls.

One of the most iconic symbols of Children's Day in Japan is the flying of carp-shaped windsocks called "koinobori." These colorful streamers represent family members, with the largest carp symbolizing the father, followed by smaller ones representing the mother and children. The carp is chosen as a symbol because it's believed to be a strong and determined fish that can swim upstream, which parents hope their children will emulate.

Families also display samurai dolls, armor, and helmets in their homes to inspire strength and bravery in their children. Traditional foods like mochi wrapped in oak leaves (kashiwa mochi) are also enjoyed on this day.

Overall, Children's Day is a time for families to come together to celebrate the happiness and health of children and to wish for their future success.

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