Internet safety

Hello everyone,

For the next few weeks we will talk about internet safety.

Are you the parent of a child who uses the internet or the parent of a child who will start using the internet soon? If you are, you should know that the internet is a great way to stay up-to-date on the news, do research for school projects, and communicate with friends, but it can also be very dangerous. As a parent, it is very important to make sure that your child stays safe online. This means you must know your way around a computer and the internet. Do you?

A child should never know more than a parent does about the internet. At the very least, you should know about the same. If you are looking to block adult websites or websites that have offensive language, it will not do you any good if your teenager knows ways to get around the parental controls that you set. That is why it is important that you know how to use a computer and the internet or learn if you don't know.

We will try to give you some tips as well over the next few weeks.

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