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Doctor Fish

Doctor Fish (also known as Dr. Kiss Fish) is a unique "fish kiss" foot bath deemed as a traditional Turkish remedy and officially recognized as a medical treatment in Germany. Also considered a pedicure, it delivers so many mixed sensations. From shrieking to giggling because it can be a bit ticklish, it's a fun way to relax and very pleasant.




Have you ever seen a Tanuki or in English a Japanese raccoon dog? Japanese raccoon dogs are quite a common sight in Tokyo .You can find many in west Tokyo in such places as along the Zenpukuji River in Suginami ku .In Japanese folktales they are seen as jolly and mischievous they usually live for 7 or 8 years in the wild. They are also know too able to climb trees to forage for berries.



End of summer

The end of august means one thing for students the end of summer. Did you enjoy your summer vacation? What did you do? Where did you go? As this summer was so hot I'm sure many of you spent time at the pool or the beach. Or did you spend the summer at home reading or playing games .I hope you enjoyed your summer and did all the things you wanted to do.IMG_7286.jpg



Do you like to drink coffee? If so what is your favorite kind of coffee? I really enjoy drinking a flat white. A flat white is similar to a latte but with less foam. Flat whites are from New Zealand and Australia where they are the most popular type of coffee to drink. Many different countries enjoy lots of different coffee .For example in Indonesia many people like to drink
Kopi Susu which mean iced milk coffee and is very refreshing to drink.


Where did the name August come from?

Do you know where the name for August comes from? The name "August" comes from Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor. Originally, the month was called "Sextilis" in Latin because it was the sixth month in the early Roman calendar, which started in March. In 8 BCE, the Roman Senate renamed the month in honor of Augustus Caesar to recognize his achievements and his role in shaping the Roman Empire. The name change was intended to associate the month with the emperor's esteemed qualities and accomplishments, much like the previous month, July, was named after Julius Caesar.IMG_7812.JPG


Seiritsu junior high open school

It might be too late but maybe you can still get in to try out the fun activities at the Open school on Sunday.


If you cannot make that event, there should be some general fun at the school's NatsuFes on Saturday August 3rd. We hope you come and check us out!

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How much do you know about July?

Of course, it is the second summer month after June.
But here are some other facts:
There are many countries which have their Independence Day during the month of July. These include the United States, Belarus, Venezuela, Argentina, Belgium, the Bahamas, and the Maldives. The national days for France and Canada occur in July as well.
July is the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere on average. It is similar to January in the Southern Hemisphere(南半球)
Sometimes the hot, long days of July are called the "dog days of summer".
It is sometimes called the Hay month because the grass dries out due to having little rain and the grass can be made into hay.
July's birthstone, the ruby, is often associated with contentment, love, passion, and integrity.

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