Protecting your children online

This is part 2 of the series.

It is important to let your child use technological tools so that they are not left behind in this digital age. However, we want to protect them and make sure they are using these tools responsibly. As much as they can at their age.

Try making the learning interesting or fun though. Do not just lecture them or give them scolding when they make a mistake.

Start with giving them small tips on how to protect themselves when surfing online. This will prove beneficial and will encourage your child about the right usage of online tools. Make him/her aware about the dangers of surfing online.

It is the parent's duty to teach the child about the basic etiquettes as well, such as when chatting with other online people. Inform them that they should be polite while chatting to others who are online. Older kids can be taught about the types of communication and how it is easy to misunderstand a message.

Try keeping the lines of communication open so that you can help your child be responsible users of online tools. The risks when they are in junior and senior high school rise rapidly.

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